Saturday, October 27, 2018

Update any table on remote system? YES! Remote updater via remote enabled function module

If you are looking for a way how to control database table synchronization process between two systems in a custom way, check out below solution aimed for transferring of transparent tables.

Of course we need two parts, some sender part and receiver part. The base is to do a XML transformation into binary Xstring which is suitable for transferring of any data, even whole table. I did lot of tests, it really nicely flexible.

The sender part

I am not providing the full source of  sender part. The corner stone of sender program would be the below XML transformation. Keep in mind to name source on both sides in the same way. Here is the source name "remote_data",it could be anything you want, but it has to be the same on both sides sender and receiver part of XML transformation (see the receiver FM as well).

It is possible to pack into Xstring whole tables, part of the tables based on certain conditions, anything that fits your needs.

Part of the sender code:

" Declaration snippet
        IMPORTING it_data           TYPE ANY TABLE
        EXPORTING ev_xstring        TYPE xstring,

" Implementation
  METHOD encode_input.

    DATAlo_writer TYPE REF TO cl_sxml_string_writer.

    lo_writer cl_sxml_string_writer=>createif_sxml=>co_xt_json ).

        SOURCE remote_data it_data
        RESULT XML lo_writer.
      CATCH cx_xslt_format_error.
        MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE sy-msgty NUMBER sy-msgno WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.

    ev_xstring lo_writer->get_output).

  ENDMETHOD.                    "encode_input

The receiver part

Let me describe a bit the receiver part. It consists of remote enabled function module on remote system. There has to be established RFC connection between servers, ask your BC team. As input serves few parameters:
  • Table name - in a character way
  • Table content as a binary string
  • Update type with below options

Possible update types:

  1. I – insert only, it adds just new records 
  2. N – overwrite older records by newer ones based on standard date colums ERSDA or LAEDA. It skips update of tables where there is no LAEDA, ERSDA column present. This relays on DATE column only, other DATE/DATS columns are not considered.
  3. F – force update overwrite all records

Furthermore there is an exporting parameter receiving a possible error code or success confirmation. By the sent error code you can act accordingly in your sender part.

The source code of receiver:

FUNCTION /yournamespace/customizing_update.
*"*"Local Interface:

  IF iv_tabname IS INITIAL )
     iv_xstring_tab IS INITIAL ).
    ev_status 'ERR0'.

 "Note: Do here your own AUTHORITY-CHECK stuff!

  TYPES BEGIN OF ty_where_clause,
            line TYPE char72,
          END OF ty_where_clause.

    lo_typedescr     TYPE REF TO cl_abap_typedescr,
    lo_struct        TYPE REF TO cl_abap_structdescr,
    lo_new_tab       TYPE REF TO cl_abap_tabledescr,
    lt_comp          TYPE cl_abap_structdescr=>component_table,
    lt_desc_fields   TYPE ddfields,
    lt_data_remote   TYPE REF TO data,
    ls_data_remote   TYPE REF TO data,
    ls_data_local    TYPE REF TO data,
    lv_count_ok      TYPE i,
    lv_count_err     TYPE i,
    lt_where_cond    LIKE STANDARD TABLE OF hrcond,
    ls_where_cond    LIKE LINE OF lt_where_cond,
    lt_where_clause  TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ty_where_clause,
    lt_date_col      TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF cl_abap_structdescr=>component-name,
    lv_date_col      LIKE LINE OF lt_date_col,
    lv_date_col_comp LIKE LINE OF lt_date_col.

    <ft_data_remote> TYPE ANY TABLE,
    <fs_data_remote> TYPE data,
    <fs_data_local>  TYPE data,
    <fv_value>       TYPE any,
    <fv_date_remote> TYPE dats,
    <fv_date_local>  TYPE dats,
    <fs_desc_fields> LIKE LINE OF lt_desc_fields,
    <fv_col>         LIKE LINE OF lt_comp,
    <fv_col_date>    LIKE LINE OF lt_date_col.

  " Fill known date columns to be checked in received data (it is used in update type "N" - newer records)
  lv_date_col 'LAEDA'" Date of last modification (in loop checked as the first one)
  APPEND lv_date_col TO lt_date_col.
  lv_date_col 'ERSDA'" Date of creation
  APPEND lv_date_col TO lt_date_col.

  " Create target itab type
  cl_abap_typedescr=>describe_by_name" Note: cx_root does not catch type_not_found here
    EXPORTING  p_name         iv_tabname
    RECEIVING  p_descr_ref    lo_typedescr
    EXCEPTIONS type_not_found 1
  IF sy-subrc NE 0.
    ev_status 'ERR1'.
    "MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE sy-msgty NUMBER sy-msgno WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4. --> causes dump within RFC call
    WRITE 'Error, unknown target structure/table type in data dictionary: '.
    WRITE iv_tabname.

  IF lo_typedescr IS NOT INITIAL.

    " Get structure components
    lo_struct ?= lo_typedescr.
    lt_comp lo_struct->get_components).

    " Is date column of last modification/creation present?
    IF iv_update_type EQ 'N' ).
      LOOP AT lt_date_col ASSIGNING <fv_col_date>" Loop over known date columns (suitable for comparison), items order does matter
        LOOP AT lt_comp ASSIGNING <fv_col>" Loop over table components
          IF <fv_col_date> EQ <fv_col>-name.
            lv_date_col_comp <fv_col_date>.

        IF lv_date_col_comp IS NOT INITIAL.

    " Create new target itab
    lo_new_tab cl_abap_tabledescr=>create(
      p_line_type  lo_struct
      p_table_kind cl_abap_tabledescr=>tablekind_std
      p_unique     abap_false

    IF lo_new_tab IS NOT INITIAL.
      CREATE DATA lt_data_remote TYPE HANDLE lo_new_tab.
      ev_status 'ERR2'.
    ev_status 'ERR3'.

  " Decode data into itab
  ASSIGN lt_data_remote->TO <ft_data_remote>.

      SOURCE XML iv_xstring_tab
      RESULT remote_data <ft_data_remote>.
    CATCH cx_xslt_format_error.
      ev_status 'ERR4'.
      "MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE sy-msgty NUMBER sy-msgno WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4. --> Note: causes dump on both sides, calling program and this target FM
      WRITE 'Error occured during itab (xstring) decoding for table: '.
      WRITE iv_tabname.

  " Loop over itab for DB update
  IF <ft_data_remote> IS ASSIGNED.

    CREATE DATA ls_data_remote LIKE LINE OF <ft_data_remote>.
    ASSIGN ls_data_remote->TO <fs_data_remote>.

    CREATE DATA ls_data_local LIKE LINE OF <ft_data_remote>.
    ASSIGN ls_data_local->TO <fs_data_local>.

    " Get key fields of the table (keyflag value)
    lt_desc_fields lo_struct->get_ddic_field_list).

    " Update table according to given type
    LOOP AT <ft_data_remote> ASSIGNING <fs_data_remote>.

      IF iv_update_type EQ 'I' )  " Increment only
         iv_update_type EQ 'N' )" Update only older

        "  Do partial update
        "  I - Increment only = add missing records only
        "    or
        "  N - Update only older recocords by newer ones based on LAEDA, ERSDA columns

        " Prepare SQL WHERE condition
        LOOP AT lt_desc_fields ASSIGNING <fs_desc_fields> WHERE keyflag abap_true" get primary key fields

          " Get value of key component
          ASSIGN COMPONENT  <fs_desc_fields>-fieldname OF STRUCTURE <fs_data_remote> TO <fv_value>.

          " Prepare condition table
          ls_where_cond-field <fs_desc_fields>-fieldname.
          ls_where_cond-opera 'EQ'.
          ls_where_cond-low   <fv_value>.
          APPEND ls_where_cond TO lt_where_cond.

          UNASSIGN <fv_value>.
          CLEAR ls_where_cond.


        IF lt_where_cond IS NOT INITIAL.

          " Convert condition table into SQL WHERE clause
              dbtable         iv_tabname
              condtab         lt_where_cond
              where_clause    lt_where_clause
              empty_condtab   1
              no_db_field     2
              unknown_db      3
              wrong_condition 4
              OTHERS          5.
          IF sy-subrc <> 0.
            ev_status 'ERR7'.
            WRITE 'Some error occured during building SQL WHERE condition for table: '.
            WRITE iv_tabname.

          SELECT SINGLE *
            FROM  (iv_tabname)
            INTO  <fs_data_local>
            WHERE (lt_where_clause).

          IF sy-subrc EQ 0.

            " Update only older recocords by newer ones based on LAEDA, ERSDA columns
            IF iv_update_type EQ 'N' ).
              IF <fs_data_local> IS ASSIGNED" Then compare date, if it is present
                IF lv_date_col_comp IS NOT INITIAL.
                  " Compare remote and local dates

                  " Get values of date component
                  ASSIGN COMPONENT lv_date_col_comp OF STRUCTURE <fs_data_local>  TO <fv_date_local>.
                  ASSIGN COMPONENT lv_date_col_comp OF STRUCTURE <fs_data_remote> TO <fv_date_remote>.

                  IF <fv_date_local> < <fv_date_remote>.

                    " Overwrite record with newer one
                    UPDATE (iv_tabnameFROM <fs_data_remote>.
                    IF sy-subrc EQ 0.
                      lv_count_ok lv_count_ok + 1.
                      COMMIT WORK.
                      lv_count_err lv_count_err + 1.
                      ROLLBACK WORK.


                  UNASSIGN <fv_date_local>.
                  UNASSIGN <fv_date_remote>.



            " Record does not exist = add it (It fits to both types of update I + N)
            INSERT (iv_tabnameFROM <fs_data_remote>.
            IF sy-subrc EQ 0.
              lv_count_ok lv_count_ok + 1.
              COMMIT WORK.
              lv_count_err lv_count_err + 1.
              ROLLBACK WORK.


          CLEAR lt_where_cond.
          CLEAR lt_where_clause.


      ELSEIF iv_update_type EQ 'F'.

        "  Do force update = overwrite all already existing records
        "  Inserts + Updates
        MODIFY (iv_tabnameFROM <fs_data_remote>.
        IF sy-subrc EQ 0.
          lv_count_ok lv_count_ok + 1.
          COMMIT WORK.
          lv_count_err lv_count_err + 1.
          ROLLBACK WORK.



    IF lv_count_err EQ 0.
      ev_status 'OK'.
      ev_status 'ERR6'.
      WRITE 'Some error occured during update of table: '.
      WRITE iv_tabname.
      WRITE ', Number of failed records: '.
      WRITE lv_count_err.
      WRITE ', Number of well passed records: '.
      WRITE lv_count_ok.

    ev_status 'ERR5'.
    WRITE 'No data for table: '.
    WRITE iv_tabname.


The sources
