Let's look at the dynamic approach, it saves lots of manual coding here. The below code snippet is, I hope, well commented to grasp the idea.
Source database table structure:
Target filled flat structure:
REPORT z_dynamic_prg.
* Some huge flat target stucture receiving PARID/PARVA data from ITAB
BEGIN OF tls_plant_specifics,
delete_aufnr TYPE abap_bool,
use_screen_202 TYPE abap_bool,
global_selection TYPE abap_bool,
run_co04 TYPE abap_bool,
not_use_opr_num TYPE abap_bool,
export_9_31 TYPE string,
export_9_4 TYPE string,
export_9_5 TYPE string,
export_special TYPE string,
screen_907_clear TYPE string,
not_use_fstau TYPE abap_bool,
blank_staging TYPE abap_bool,
filter_version TYPE c LENGTH 1,
export_plan_in TYPE abap_bool,
staging_blank TYPE abap_bool,
remove_routines TYPE abap_bool,
panning_rmw_e3 TYPE abap_bool,
schedule_old TYPE abap_bool,
free_time TYPE c LENGTH 1,
set_subrc TYPE abap_bool,
zroh_1 TYPE string,
zroh_2 TYPE abap_bool,
fevor_set_bu TYPE abap_bool,
component_active TYPE abap_bool,
sel_reservations TYPE string,
mode_3_lgort TYPE lgort_d,
change_profil TYPE abap_bool,
set_user_attrib TYPE abap_bool,
import_check_lr TYPE abap_bool,
read_marc_as_1 TYPE werks_d,
read_marc_as_2 TYPE werks_d,
read_marc_as_3 TYPE werks_d,
default_lgort TYPE lgort_d,
select_days TYPE abap_bool,
use_zmet_zroh TYPE abap_bool,
set_fevor_icon TYPE string,
read_marc_as_4 TYPE werks_d,
set_fstad_fstau TYPE abap_bool,
set_okcode TYPE string,
set_affree TYPE abap_bool,
set_time TYPE abap_bool,
userexit_lgnum TYPE lgnum,
get_mto_mts_by TYPE string,
END OF tls_plant_specifics,
BEGIN OF tls_plant_specifics_parva_parid,
parid TYPE memoryid,
parva TYPE xuvalue,
END OF tls_plant_specifics_parva_parid.
DATA: lt_plant_specifics_parva_parid TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF tls_plant_specifics_parva_parid,
ls_plant_specifics_parva_parid LIKE LINE OF lt_plant_specifics_parva_parid,
lo_structdescr TYPE REF TO cl_abap_structdescr,
lt_components TYPE cl_abap_structdescr=>component_table,
ls_component LIKE LINE OF lt_components,
lv_element_name TYPE string,
lv_element_content TYPE string.
DATA: lv_werks TYPE werks_d VALUE '9999', " some plant - hardcoded for test
lv_plant_table TYPE tabname VALUE 'SOME_YOUR_PARAM_TABLE_NAME',
ls_plant_specifics TYPE tls_plant_specifics. " target structure
FIELD-SYMBOLS <fs_element> TYPE simple.
" Get all plant parameters into itab
SELECT parid parva FROM (lv_plant_table)
INTO TABLE lt_plant_specifics_parva_parid
WHERE werks = lv_werks.
IF ( sy-subrc EQ 0 ) AND ( lt_plant_specifics_parva_parid IS NOT INITIAL ).
" Get the values out of table (parid/parva) into class public structure
lo_structdescr ?= cl_abap_structdescr=>describe_by_data( ls_plant_specifics ).
lt_components = lo_structdescr->get_components( ).
" Loop at parid x parva itab (comming from database)
LOOP AT lt_plant_specifics_parva_parid INTO ls_plant_specifics_parva_parid.
" Loop over components of target structure
LOOP AT lt_components INTO ls_component.
" Read component name out of table
lv_element_name = ls_plant_specifics_parva_parid-parid.
" If PARAM name is equal to STRUCTURE component name => assign the value to the structure for this field
IF ls_component-name EQ lv_element_name.
CONCATENATE 'ls_plant_specifics-' lv_element_name INTO lv_element_name.
ASSIGN (lv_element_name) TO <fs_element>.
IF ( <fs_element> IS ASSIGNED ) AND ( ls_plant_specifics_parva_parid-parva IS NOT INITIAL ).
" You can assign data based on its type...
IF ls_component-type->absolute_name CS 'ABAP_BOOL'.
" just one char
<fs_element> = ls_plant_specifics_parva_parid-parva+0(1).
" strings, etc.
lv_element_content = ls_plant_specifics_parva_parid-parva.
CONDENSE lv_element_content NO-GAPS.
<fs_element> = lv_element_content.
FREE lo_structdescr.
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