Thursday, November 7, 2013

ABAP - RFC FM - How to get user's lockdown date from remote system

Sometime is needed to pickup database data from another SAP system. There is not so many options how to do that.

At first is proper to say, try to search for any already existing SAP standard function module, BAPI. In my case I tested various BAPIs as e.g. BAPI_USER_EXISTENCE_CHECK, BAPI_USER_GET_DETAIL. Non of them returns lockdown date. Note, the date of last modification could be, but does not need to be a date of lockdown.


One option is to use function module RFC_READ_TABLE. But it is unfortunately flagged as not purpossed for custommer development and it has no official Unicode support. As param you can provide rows of WHERE SQL conditions, what is quite useful. But no bigger SQL query constructions are allowed, furthermore there is a limit of 72 characters for each row condition.
There is very nice article (in German) describing how to get generic data from FM RFC_READ_TABLE. Normally you just obtain data which has to be additionaly parsed.

Option Remote-Enabled function module

In my case I used custom function module for reading remote db data. It has advantage of generic output and it is quite easy to use. You have everything under control. So lets have a look at some real simple example, reading of lockdown date. At first we need to setup Remote-Enabled function module. You can do it in standard transactions as SE37 or SE80.

Whole real miracle behind is done by ticking of one radion button "Remote-Enabled Module". It fully automatically gives to your FM functionality to call this FM on remote SAP system. The only thing you need is to add DESTINATION parameter to function call.


Setup import parameters - do not forget to tick the checkboxes

Setup export parameters - do not forget to tick the checkbox

Now we are getting close to core to source code itself. See the data below. Whenever a new user is created, a new record is placed also into table USH02. If sometime later is user locked, the column UFLAG contains non zero value. But the first record is normally with 0 flag. Local lockdown has value 64, otherwise Global lockdown contains the value 96.

Now, let's see the data. It is clear that after lockdown (in this case local lock) furthermore changes has been done later over user who has been already locked on 4.11. So we are looking for the first non zero value of UFLAG (any lockdown record) which is immediatelly following the last 0 UFLAG record (last non lockdown status).

It is possible to do it by one Open SQL query.

     INTO lockdown_date
     WHERE bname username
     AND   uflag <> 0
     AND   modda >= SELECT MAXmodda FROM ush02 WHERE bname username AND uflag ).

If return date value is empty, we know, there is no record with UFLAG = 0 or any locked. This rare situation could be solved as follows.

  IF lockdown_date IS INITIAL.
    SELECT MINmodda FROM ush02
       INTO lockdown_date
       WHERE bname username
       AND   uflag <> 0.

Now we need to add some standard checks and whole miracle is completed.

FUNCTION /YourNameSpace/rfc_get_lockdown_date.
*"*"Local Interface:
*"      NOT_FOUND

  CLEAR lockdown_date.

  " authority check
      view_action                    'S'
      view_name                      'USH02'
      no_authority                   2
      no_clientindependent_authority 2
      no_linedependent_authority     2
      OTHERS                         1.
  IF sy-subrc 2.
    RAISE not_authorized.
  ELSEIF sy-subrc 1.
    RAISE table_not_available.

  " check input param
  IF username IS INITIAL.
    RAISE param_missing.

  " get date on remote system
  SELECT SINGLE modda FROM ush02
     INTO lockdown_date
     WHERE bname username
     AND   uflag <> 0
     AND   modda >= SELECT MAXmodda FROM ush02 WHERE bname username AND uflag )

  " if user has been created as already locked, it means USH02 has only locked records
  " there is no UFLAG = 0. It is exceptional case.
  IF lockdown_date IS INITIAL.
    SELECT MINmodda FROM ush02
       INTO lockdown_date
       WHERE bname username
       AND   uflag <> 0.

  IF sy-subrc NE 0.
    RAISE not_found.


Do not miss to provide list of used exceptions within FM.

Now whenever you will desire to know when a specific user has been locked out, run function module as follows. That's it.

        CALL FUNCTION '/YourNameSpace/RFC_GET_LOCKDOWN_DATE' DESTINATION gs_uszbvlndrc-rcvsystem
            username            lv_username
            lockdown_date       lv_lockdown_date
            not_authorized      1
            table_not_available 2
            param_missing       3
            not_found           4
            OTHERS              5.
          CASE sy-subrc.
            WHEN 1.
              " no authorization
            WHEN 2.
              " no required table on target system
            WHEN 3.
              " missing input parameter
            WHEN 4.
              " no data came
            WHEN OTHERS.
              " other ugly error