Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Send email with high importance from ABAP

There is an easy to grasp function module EFG_GEN_SEND_EMAIL, which is a kind of wrapper over CL_BCS class. Unfortunately EFG_GEN_SEND_EMAIL does not support email high priority sign (nice red exclamation mark within Outlook) in any input parameter.

I have a made a custom clone of this FM supporting high importance sign. I converted the coding into static method of a custom repository class. Please, no flame war for usage of static method ;-), there is no need to have an instance.

Original call of FM:

        i_title                iv_title
        i_sender               iv_sender
        i_recipient            ''
        i_flg_send_immediately 'X'
        i_tab_lines            t_mail_text
        i_tab_recipients       t_recipients
        not_qualified          1
        failed                 2
        OTHERS                 3.
    IF sy-subrc NE 0.
      MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE sy-msgty NUMBER sy-msgno WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.

Call of custom method (almost the same):

        CALL METHOD /yournamespace/cl_email=>send_email
            iv_title          iv_title
            iv_sender         iv_sender
            iv_high_priority  abap_true
            iv_recipient      ''
            ct_tab_lines      t_mail_text
            ct_tab_recipients t_recipients.
      CATCH cx_root.
        MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE 'E' NUMBER sy-msgno WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.

Description of the custom repository class 

There is one static method with following input parameters:

The complete method source code:

METHOD send_email.

  DATAlt_recipients     TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string,
        lv_string         TYPE string,
        lo_ref_send_req   TYPE REF TO cl_bcs,
        lt_text           TYPE bcsy_text,
        lo_ref_doc        TYPE REF TO cl_document_bcs,
        lo_ref_recipient  TYPE REF TO if_recipient_bcs,
        lo_ref_sender     TYPE REF TO if_sender_bcs,
        lx_rex_bcs        TYPE REF TO cx_bcs,
        lx_rex_addr       TYPE REF TO cx_address_bcs,
        lv_smtp_addr      TYPE adr6-smtp_addr,
        lv_subject        TYPE so_obj_des,
        lt_soli           TYPE soli_tab,
        ls_soli           TYPE soli,
        lv_uname          TYPE uname,
        lv_importance     TYPE bcs_docimp.

  IF iv_sender IS INITIAL.
        msgty 'E'
        msgid '00'
        msgno 007
        msgv1 'Sender'.

  IF iv_title IS INITIAL.
        msgty 'E'
        msgid '00'
        msgno 007
        msgv1 'Title'.

  IF ct_tab_lines IS INITIAL.
        msgty 'E'
        msgid '00'
        msgno 007
        msgv1 'Content'.

  IF ct_tab_recipients[] IS INITIAL AND iv_recipient IS INITIAL ).
        msgty 'E'
        msgid '00'
        msgno 007
        msgv1 'Recipient'.

  IF NOT iv_sender CS '@'.
    cv_flg_sender_is_uname 'X'.

  lt_recipients ct_tab_recipients[].
  APPEND iv_recipient TO lt_recipients.

  DELETE lt_recipients
    WHERE table_line IS INITIAL.

  SORT lt_recipients BY table_line.

      lo_ref_send_req cl_bcs=>create_persistent).

*     sender
          IF cv_flg_sender_is_uname IS INITIAL.

            lv_smtp_addr       iv_sender.
            lo_ref_sender      cl_cam_address_bcs=>create_internet_address(
              i_address_string lv_smtp_addr
              i_address_name   lv_smtp_addr
            lv_uname iv_sender.
            lo_ref_sender cl_sapuser_bcs=>createi_user =  lv_uname ).

        CATCH cx_address_bcs INTO lx_rex_addr.
          RAISE EXCEPTION lx_rex_addr.

      lo_ref_send_req->set_senderlo_ref_sender ).

*      recipient (e-mail address)
      LOOP AT lt_recipients INTO lv_smtp_addr.
        lo_ref_recipient cl_cam_address_bcs=>create_internet_addresslv_smtp_addr ).
*       add recipient with its respective attributes to send request
        lo_ref_send_req->add_recipientlo_ref_recipient ).

*     document
      APPEND LINES OF ct_tab_lines TO lt_soli.
      lv_subject  iv_title.

      IF iv_high_priority EQ abap_true.
        lv_importance '1'.

      lo_ref_doc cl_document_bcs=>create_document(
        i_type       'RAW'
        i_text       lt_soli
        i_length     '100'
        i_subject    lv_subject
        i_importance lv_importance

*     add document to send request
      lo_ref_send_req->set_documentlo_ref_doc ).

      IF NOT iv_flg_send_immediately IS INITIAL.
        lo_ref_send_req->set_send_immediately'X' ).

      lo_ref_send_req->set_status_attributes'N' ).
      lv_string iv_title.
      lo_ref_send_req->set_message_subjectlv_string ).

      IF NOT iv_flg_commit IS INITIAL.
            COMMIT WORK.
          CATCH cx_root.

    CATCH cx_bcs INTO lx_rex_bcs.
      RAISE EXCEPTION lx_rex_bcs.
    CATCH cx_root.


The usage is very easy, you have to always provide some email body, title - subject, sender and recipient. You can do that as follows within some arbitrary class. Play with it a you want..

CLASS lcl_ctrl_email DEFINITION.

          iv_title           TYPE clike
          iv_sender          TYPE clike.

    DATAt_mail_text        TYPE soli_tab,
          t_recipients       TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ad_smtpadr.



ENDCLASS.                    "lcl_ctrl_email DEFINITION

  METHOD generate_content.

    DATAls_mail_text TYPE soli.

    ls_mail_text 'Hello,'.
    APPEND ls_mail_text TO t_mail_text.

    ls_mail_text ''.
    APPEND ls_mail_text TO t_mail_text.

    ls_mail_text 'this is an email content example...'.
    APPEND ls_mail_text TO t_mail_text.

    ls_mail_text ''.
    APPEND ls_mail_text TO t_mail_text.

    ls_mail_text 'Regards,'.
    APPEND ls_mail_text TO t_mail_text.

    ls_mail_text 'Your team'.
    APPEND ls_mail_text TO t_mail_text.

  ENDMETHOD.                    "generate_content.

  METHOD get_recipients.

    SELECT email FROM /yournamespace/email_addr
      INTO TABLE t_recipients.

  ENDMETHOD.                    "get_recipients

  METHOD send_email.


        CALL METHOD /yournamespace/cl_email=>send_email
            iv_title          iv_title
            iv_sender         iv_sender
            iv_high_priority  abap_true
            iv_recipient      ''
            ct_tab_lines      t_mail_text
            ct_tab_recipients t_recipients.
      CATCH cx_root.
        MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE 'E' NUMBER sy-msgno WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.

  ENDMETHOD.                    "send_email

ENDCLASS.                    "lcl_ctrl_email IMPLEMENTATION
